Naturism in Philippines

Disclaimer: This article aims to highlight the positivity of being a naturist, which promotes body positivity and desexualizing the human body. The references to the Bible are not to hurt anyone's-sentiment or faith but to encourage everyone to try Naturism in their way by respecting the law of the land.

How does one promote naturism, or nude recreation, among Filipinos? The Philippines is, after all, a very conservative country. Due to Spanish colonialism, which had a heavy form of Roman Catholicism, the ghosts of the past remain when it comes to seeing an unclothed body.

But does it have to have such an attitude for modern Filipinos? Furthermore, is Catholicism, or Christianity in general, anti-naturist? Also, can naturism be promoted to those who are of a culture in which family is of high importance? I will admit, that I am not a Filipino or Catholic myself. That said, I do know of Catholics, and Christians of other denominations, who are avid naturists. Since the Philippines is a majority Christian/Catholic country, it’s important to promote naturism in the country’s two dominant cultural languages; faith and family! So let’s start with faith and let’s start with the Bible.

Nudity in the Bible

At first glance, it may appear that the Bible is hostile towards nudity of any sort. Many Christians quote these verses as prohibitions against living a clothing-optional life.

1. Genesis 3:10, in which Adam expresses his and Eve’s shame for being naked in front of God after eating the forbidden fruit.

2. Also, in Genesis 9:20-27, we have condemnations of Ham uncovering Noah’s nakedness, in which Ham is cursed.

3. Leviticus 20, in which there are numerous verses about not “uncovering the nakedness” of family members.

4. Then, of course, there is 2 Samuel 11:2-5, which is about David lusting after Bathsheba.

5. And last but not least, there is the verse in Matthew 5:28 with Christ condemning lust.

With scripture verses like these, how can one even hope to promote naturism to people in the Philippines, which is a predominantly Catholic country? There are many Christians who do not see such verses as a blanket condemnation of nudity in and of itself, but who try to look at the symbolism behind it and the way the word is being used. Still, there are many other Christians who love to point out that God clothed Adam and Eve after they ate the fruit, and that everyone is supposed to be clothed to avoid tempting one another. We will return to this train of thought later. As for Leviticus chapter 20, which warns against uncovering the nakedness of mother, brother, sister, father, and so forth, some scholars believe that it’s talking about incest and adultery. If “uncovering nakedness” means nudity in and of itself, it means that changing your child’s diapers or helping them bathe is wrong. Therefore scholars have come to the conclusion, in this case, that “nakedness” is a euphemism for sexual immorality. This likewise applies to Noah and his drunkenness. The uncovering of his nakedness by Ham may have hinted at some sexual immorality. But what about when Christians point out the sin of David along with Christ’s admonition against lust? Christian naturists will point out that it’s not the layers of clothing that always matter (though it can be argued that some clothing is meant to sexualize) but the intent of the heart. Could it not be argued that David, as a king, was blessed with riches and therefore thought he was privy to whatever he desired?

So what are some Bible verses that Christian naturists use that show nudity in a positive and wholesome light.

1. First there is Genesis 2:25, about Adam and Eve being naked and unashamed.

2. And Exodus 22:27 admonishes those who borrow clothing to return it by nightfall.

3. There is Job 1:21, in which Job mentions being born naked and returning to Heaven naked.

4. And Isaiah preaching nude in Isaiah 20:2-4.

5. And Saul and the prophets preaching naked in Samuel 19:23-24.

6. Ezekiel 16:7: uses the example of a young girl who has grown into a beautiful woman but is nude.

7. Revelation 12:1 mentions a woman clothed, not in cloth, but in the sun.

8. And, even Christ himself, washed his disciple's feet nude according to the Gospel of John 13:4-5.

As Christian naturists will say in regards to Genesis, after Adam and Eve were formed by God and given the breath of life, God didn’t say, “It’s disgusting,” and “Who wants to see that?” Instead, they beam with pride, relating how he called his creations, including man and woman “very good. “But wait!” opponents of naturism may say. “Didn’t God give Adam and Eve coats of skin to wear, when they were kicked out of the garden after eating the forbidden fruit?” This argument is used in defence of wearing clothing, which comes down to protecting us from lust. Naturist Christians are quick to point out why would Adam and Eve need to worry about sexual feelings from seeing each other nude if they were husband and wife. There is also the belief that the clothing given to them was for protection against the physical elements. Even after Adam and Eve were given clothing, clothing was still hard to come by. That’s why in the Book of Exodus when the children of Israel were in the wilderness, the Lord instructed those who borrowed their neighbour's cloak to return it by sundown, as it is their “only covering” and how else will they stay “warm” (Ex 22:27). There weren’t clothing stores for them to shop at in the desert, and while there are some mammals that live out there, such as the Nubian ibex and Arabian wolf, hunting is no easy task and it would have been difficult to hunt and gather skins for clothing for the whole population. Many probably took what was on their back. So in other words, nudity may not have been so taboo among them. Now, what about naked prophets!? Sounds outrageous, right? But it may have been quite common for prophets to do so back then. In Samuel 19:23-24, Saul strips naked with Samuel, and the people ask if Saul is a prophet like Samuel. There is also Isaiah, when the Lord orders him to strip naked and barefoot and preach as such for three years (Isaiah 20:2-4). Granted, this had a connotation of humiliation to it, as it denoted slavery and the Egyptians and Ethiopians being led away into captivity by the Assyrians. But, as most Christians would say, humility is a virtue. The Book of Job is a favourite among Christians. It’s the story of a rich man who was living the good life, but the Lord suffered Satan to inflict him, to prove Job’s humility. From losing their family to his riches to his friends forsaking him, and being inflicted with boils, yeah, life was sucking for Job. Nonetheless, he tore off his garments and said, “Naked I came out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither,” and then he praised God (Job 1:21). Again, another verse that connotes nudity with humility. But perhaps a favourite verse that is espoused by Christian naturists is John 13:4-5 when Christ himself exhibited this humility when he “laid aside his garments, and took a towel, and girded himself.”He then poured water in a basin took the towel he was girded with and washed his disciples’ feet. But hold on! you might be thinking. These are mainly examples of nudity with men. Aren’t women booked as tempters of men according to Christianity? Not necessarily. Christian naturists have pointed out Ezekiel 16:7, which reads, “I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments, thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou was naked and bare.” The next verse talks about covering her with a garment. But the description of a young girl becoming a woman isn’t one based on sin, but on beauty. Rather than look at the formation of her breasts and the growing out of her hair(probably pubic hair) as something obscene, it treats it as something spiritual. Likewise, Revelation 12:1 mentions appearing as “a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun,” and a “crown of twelve stars” on her head. Further verses show that this is Mary, the mother of Christ. And it doesn’t describe her in fabrics but clothed just in light. Though this is symbolic and Mary probably wore robes, the scriptures had no problems using nudity, or at least only being clothed with light, as a symbol. Many Christian naturists like to point out that even when naked, one can not be clothed with light, and that it’s a cheerful countenance and the love of God that truly clothes one. Other Christian and Catholic Beliefs That Don’t Conflict with Naturism.

There is evidence of nude baptism, among adults no less, men and women, in the early history of Christianity. This helped the recipient desexualize the body. This makes sense, as baptism is symbolic of rebirth, and we are born without clothes. It was also a return to innocence, being like little children again, and who wouldn’t want to be like a child again, free from the cares of the world? Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386 BC) would echo the childlike innocence of nude baptism when he wrote: As soon as you entered, you took off your clothes; this was a symbol of stripping off the old man with his behaviour... And you bore the likeness of the first-formed Adam, who was naked in the garden without feeling shame. Nude baptisms would carry on until the 8th century. In fact, icons of Christ being baptized naked, without even a loin cloth, were common. While there would be many events and conflicting thoughts that would introduce an unhealthy prudishness to Christianity that wasn’t initially there before, there are still Catholics and Christians of other denominations that see the beauty and inherent goodness of the unclothed human. Such is shown in art, like the Sistine Chapel, in which Michaelangelo painted many nudes of Biblical characters. When it comes to the human body, Pope John Paul II had this to say: The human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve intact its splendour and its beauty... Nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness... Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person...The human body is not in itself shameful... Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person. And then there is what C.S. Lewis, that masterful Christian apologetics writer, who created the beloved children’s Narnia series, had to say about non-sexual nudity in his non-Narnia book The Great


Long after that, I saw people coming to meet us... some were naked, some robed. But the naked ones did not seem less adorned, and the robes did not disguise in those who wore them the massive grandeur of muscle and the radiant smoothness of flesh. Not being Catholic, I can’t speak for the faith, or many of the other Christian faiths. But it seems that there is room for naturism in Christianity.

Family and Naturism

Filipino culture is very family-based. The culture places great emphasis on respect for parents and grandparents and love for children and extended family. From birthdays to baptisms and many other gatherings, Filipino families congregate. It’s not uncommon for parents to live with their adult children. And it’s the norm to support family members financially. Thankfully, naturism is very family-based. The fact that a lot of resorts in Europe and America cater to families might be surprising, especially when nudity is often equated with sex and deviant behaviour. But the naturist motto is that“everybody is beautiful” and that “nudity doesn’t equal sex.” As such, many naturist venues allow children as long as they are attended by their parents. But why should whole families participate in it? Why not just adults? First off, children can gain a lot from seeing different bodies in a non-sexual light. It can help satisfy curiosity, without them resorting to unhealthy habits such as looking at pornography. According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, during the COVID lockdowns, the Philippines “topped the list worldwide with the most time spent watching pornographic videos in a single visit in the same year (2021), according to PornHub.” While many of those accessing porn sites were adults, there were likely some teenagers, and maybe a few children acting out of curiosity, activating these dirty sites. Part of it is we’re curious about what others look like naked, including being curious about the opposite sex. This isn’t a vulgar thing in and of itself. But it becomes such when people are commodified and objectified through the pernicious effects of pornography, which treats people merely as sex objects. Through naturism, children can learn that the body isn’t pornographic, and that there isn’t one shape fits all, but that we all come in different shapes and sizes. Likewise, there is a problem among children not knowing the proper name for certain body parts, because parents are afraid to use the terms penis, scrotum, vulva, vagina, and breasts. If children are ashamed of those parts, or to name those parts, they are less likely to confide in a parent or someone they trust if they’ve been sexually abused. In terms of the dangers of parents not talking to children about their bodies and the proper names of parts, one such story that was posted on Reddit is a sobering reminder. According to a Reddit user, a little girl was being sexually abused. Instead of telling her daycare teacher that she was being touched on the vagina by her grandfather, she called it her “bunny,” because that’s what her parents called it. Think of the further grief that could have been spared if the parents had used proper anatomy for their daughter’s parts. Parents talking candidly and answering their children’s questions about their bodies without embarrassment encourages confidence in children and helps them reduce shame for their bodies. Children need to know their bodies are normal. There are many articles and studies that give examples of how such honesty can further help prevent or put a stop to sexual abuse when children are aware. No children should be a victim of sexual predators! So how can naturism help? Well, because naturism is a philosophy that espouses that no part of the body is unclean or dirty, parents might find it easier to talk to their children about their bodies and how to be safe from sexual predators. As mentioned before, naturism also gives children a chance to see real bodies, instead of the fake or over-idealized bodies in glamour magazines and the more insidious pornographic media. This can help children when they enter their teens. According to the Mental Health Foundation, a substantial number of young people from ages 16-25 identify body insecurity “as the third biggest challenge currently causing harm to young people.” This is no surprise as bullying is common among kids, youth, and teens, even in Asian countries, and some of this bullying can be about looks. Naturism can help anyone of any age accept themselves for who they are. In an article by Goldsmith London University, researchers under Dr. Keon West have found out that naturism makes us happier. Furthermore, at nude events “participants experienced immediate and significant in body-image, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.”Naturism can encourage honesty all over as nudity is the ultimate form of openness. When we’re naked, we have nothing to hide. I’ve had experiences with friends, where I am much more open and honest when I’m naked with them. I have had experience when being nude at a resort, whether it’s in the swimming pool, or walking along a nature trail, where I am much more open and confident in telling others my feelings and just being my best authentic self. Think of what this can do in a family setting, in which family members bare the naked truth of what is going on in their lives, what is upsetting them, what their fears are, and the confidence it gives everyone to be themselves, the best part of themselves!Naturism can encourage trust and respect, a key ingredient that is fundamental for a healthy family. It encourages genuine and authentic self, removing secrets and forming strong family bonds.

In Conclusion

I admit, I’m not a Filipino. But to any Filipinos reading this, with the above examples, I am of the mind that naturism can fit into your culture. No, I’m not saying go naked outside in public. That’s illegal, and the law must be respected. But maybe in private homes with wide fences, it can be practised, or you can take a vacation to a resort in a country where there are resorts. Naturism can be life-changing for the better. And in a climate as hot as the Philippines, it can be absolutely relaxing.

Books, Magazine, and Online References:

A History of Private Life: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium. Aries Philippe and Duby Georges. Belknap

Harvard. 1987.

Naturist Life International No 19. Summer 1997. Cunningham Jim C..
